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Foot Locker

Continuing our long term relationship with Foot Locker Europe B.V. rpa:vision continues in their role as lead designers for the Foot Locker brand, working closely with the in house construction department and design team. A range of services are provided including store design, graphic design, retail /store planning, production information and project management, together with completion of statutory approvals.

As with all our European clients, we utilise our network of partnering architectural practices to co ordinate and manage the statutory approval aspects of the projects.

This long term relationship has enabled rpa:vision to fully understand the Foot Locker brand and design ethos, from which we are able to ensure a consistent delivery
of stores throughout their European portfolio.

case study for Tommy Hilfiger Sportscase study for Tommy Hilfiger Denimcase study for Brooks Brotherscase study for rock republiccase study for Sofa Workshopcase study for mficase study for footlockercase study for starbuckscase study for 3 gcase study for pinkcase study for vertu
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