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rpa:vision’s ongoing relationship with MFI spans over 5 years providing project management services for their roll-out throughout the UK. Through this relationship rpa:vision has a detailed understanding of the MFI brand and the dynamics of the organisation; a significant advantage when we were approached by them to develop their new concept.

Our aim was to create an MFI brand concept that ‘umbrellas/houses’ the sub-brands, in the physical form of a dedicated central area housing the expertise and range of the core brand offer. This area is the heart and mind of the retail environment giving the customer unprecedented choice for their room concepts and also the on-hand expertise of the staff to bring that concept to life. Product bays offer the very latest design concepts to the
customer, and the central piazza provides a focus for the
realisation of that concept. rpa:vision’s involvement included
design, production information and project management.

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